Play. Give Joy.
Play4More™ soccer is about encouraging soccer players and families to play soccer for more
Rwanda Children provides daily shelter, food, medical care, education, and hope to at-risk Rwandan children. Their objectives are children’s homes, medical insurance, health clinic, and education.
Zambia Medical Mission is a program designed to provide medical and spiritual help to needy people in rural Zambia. Each July, medical personnel and support staff conduct clinics at various villages in the Zambian bush and offer medical care, dental care, optometry, physical therapy, and lab services.

The International Rescue Committee provides opportunities for refugees, asylees, victims of human trafficking, survivors of torture, and other immigrants to thrive in America.
Love Does has been fighting for human rights, caring for the vulnerable, and providing education in conflict zones since 2002. Providing education is integral to breaking the cycle of war and building a culture of peace. Fighting for human rights restores dignity and reduces gender-based violence. Caring for the vulnerable produces enduring hope.
“Soccer is so much more than a game…
It provides an opportunity to connect with others. I have so much desire to give back to the soccer community because of how much it has given to me. Play4More is an amazing platform that showcases how much a ball and a sport can positively impact the lives of so many.”
Division 1 Soccer Player

“As I have worked with numerous youth camps and now help to coach a youth club, the mission of Play4More, to…
‘help create more moments of joy, through play, for kids around the globe’
…really resonates with me. I fully support this project!”
Division 1 Soccer Alum
Coach, Sting Soccer
“Soccer has provided me with incredible opportunities to develop both my sport and myself,
and I would love to give others those opportunities through Play4More. Play4More seeks to inspire young players and provide joy through the sport they love, and I am thrilled to be on board with this company.“
Division 1 Soccer Player

“Soccer has provided me with an outlet.
Not only has it been my escape from hard times but it has also allowed me to express myself and grow as a player and a person. Play4More is an amazing opportunity to allow younger players to have soccer as an outlet when they feel like they need to escape from daily life and play and have fun.”
Division 1 Soccer Player
“Supporting a program like Play4More reminds me of why I love soccer.
The relationships you build and the passion you develop for the game is one you hold close for the rest of your life. I love how Play4More brings multiple cultures and groups of kids together to enjoy such a beloved sport. The answer to support this program was an immediate yes!”
Division 1 Soccer Alum